M Bar C Team member shares his story of required heart surgery.
M Bar C Construction is a proud supporter of the Eric Paredes Save a Life Foundation and donates an AED to each school they preform work on. After having partnered with this vital foundation for years, stories have surfaced within our own company that have made the purpose of the Eric Paredes Save a Life Foundation that much more critical.
Almost one year ago, Sean Bright, was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that he had been living with his entire life. Recently Sean shared his story with our staff:
“I was born with a defective Aortic valve as well as a blockage in my Aorta. This went unnoticed at the time of my birth and was not detected until my 30’s after spending years on different medications and with several different doctors. I had high blood pressure in my early 20’s and my doctors were not fully aware of my actual issues which resulted in incorrect diagnoses, unnecessary medications and office visits. Finally, when I was 38, I had a CT scan and the blockage was discovered by a doctor who specialized in my particular heart issues. I was told, at that time, I only had 30% blood flow moving through my Aorta. The scariest part was I had No Symptoms other than high blood pressure. My doctors were absolutely shocked that I had lived with this condition my entire life and that I was even able to perform every day functions like walking, even though I felt completely normal!”
After an 8 hour long, valve replacement surgery, Sean is healthy, active and a instrumental part of the M Bar C Construction team. Sean has encouraged others to get involved, volunteer and get screened; “As someone who has been affected by this disease, I would strongly recommend volunteering to help others but to also have your children as well as yourself checked, you could go your whole life not knowing until it’s too late. The more we can support and volunteer for Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation, the more lives can be saved, maybe yours, or a loved one.”
Stories like Sean’s, remind us how thankful we are for themany services that the Save a Life Foundation provides through the heart screenings they provide that take place throughout San Diego County.

Save a Life Today!
We are honored to join with Save a Life Foundation at their next heart screening event that is taking place on Sunday, September 30th from 9am-3pm at Mission Hills High School in San Marcos, California. Register to volunteer or find more information on heart screenings.
Such excellent information to share with others. Thank you so much for sharing .
Knowing the symptoms can be very small We need to know these things to help us maintain a healthy life.
Thanking you again!
You are more than welcome. We are trying to do our best here in San Diego County, which is why we have partnered with the Eric Paredes Foundation. If you or someone else you know needs to be screened, please do our family and yours a favor and get screened today! Thanks again for the comment.