As M Bar C Construction Director of Preconstruction, Brent Drummond is a dedicated liaison between superior client satisfaction and M Bar C’s highest standard processes.
Brent joined the M Bar C team in November 2016 with previous construction Project Management experience and quickly proved to be an influential asset within the M Bar C organization. During Brent Drummond’s three year tenure as a Project Manager, he oversaw the execution of projects with revenue totaling over $40 million. In July of 2019, Brent took on a new role at M Bar C Construction, Director of Preconstruction.
With forty years of innovation and development behind M Bar C Construction, it’s no surprise that the organization is continually striving to serve our clients better. From M Bar C’s ever-expanding product portfolio to the addition of an East Coast headquarters, growth is constant within the evolving organization. As M Bar C Director of Preconstruction, Brent Drummond, and the Operations team work closely together with the primary intention of better serving our clients. Michael Patterson, Vice President of Operations further explained:
“Over the years, M Bar C has had personnel in place who have added preconstruction activities and tasks as a secondary component to their list of duties. As M Bar C has grown and matured as an enterprise, we have come to realize the criticality of early strategic decision making and the tangible value that is provided to the client through dedicating personnel specifically to preconstruction. Armed with this realization, Brent was considered and selected to head up our recently formed preconstruction department. Brent offers exemplary organizational and communication skills, as well as analytical and strategic abilities. The value that this position provides for our clients and the M Bar C organization is apparent.”
So just how does the Director of Preconstruction benefit our clients?
The Advocate
Beginning in the early development stages of custom structural canopy installations, Brent Drummond acts as a project advocate for our clients and their installation goals. As Director of Preconstruction, Brent strategically engages with clients to ensure a full grasp of the purpose of the project, its scope, site specifications, design, and budgetary considerations, and scheduling requirements. Brent’s history within Project Management allows him to stand firmly in understanding M Bar C development processes while also recognizing the importance of applying such processes in support of fulfilling client project goals.
Scope – The Nitty Gritty
Through the scope clarification process, Brent partners with M Bar C clients in collectively breaking down the nitty-gritty, point by point, details, and specifications of projects. This exercise is vital in ensuring full client satisfaction as these predetermined scope clarifications allow M Bar C to have a complete understanding of precisely what their client desires from a project. With clarity established early on, M Bar C is teed up to execute on the project plan and succeed in meeting exact client expectations through to completion.
Schedule – Same Place, Same Time
Benefitting from a now clearly defined scope, a project schedule can be set in motion. As one of the project leaders for recognized M Bar C installations such as the Cape Cod Transit Authority, Clif Bar, and Nantworks, Brent’s understanding of M Bar C installation processes allows him to forecast insightful project timelines. Collectively, Brent and clients create tasks tied to key milestone dates that, when agreed upon and met, ensure timely installation by the deadline. Clear timelines maximize efficiency, clarify expectations, and ultimately protect all involved parties in the areas of time, energy, and money.
Value of Engineering – Help Me, Help You
When asked about his favorite part of his job, without hesitation Brent Drummond stated “Value Engineering.” Value Engineering allows Brent to consider various creative approaches, shifts, or changes to preconceived project ideas in the effort to maximize client return on investment.
“Most clients come to us with a general idea of what they are looking for with a project. Through the course of value engineering, I assess what a client has requested from us and, through research and discovery, then offer various options that can reduce cost, increase quality, or speed up the construction schedule. Within my role, I have the opportunity to offer this service to our clients; I get to interface with their development teams and say ‘Guess what? If we did this, these are the benefits!’ These options are sometimes seemingly small shifts but can result in substantial positive impacts for our clients and their
Moving Forward
Brent’s role as Director of Preconstruction balances the line between upholding client satisfaction while adhering to the internal M Bar C processes that inevitably bring projects to fruition. The benefits that the role of Director of Preconstruction provides for the M Bar C organization is clear. Brent explained his future outlook:
“As my role and this service grows, M Bar C will be able to drive further forward towards cohesive consistency in supporting our clients, and co-mingling their goals with M Bar C’s best-practice protocols to ensure a shared success story when all is said and done.”
With one foot grounded in defining client expectations and the other foot grounded in M Bar C’s development efforts, Brent serves as a bridge in connecting and advocating for clients throughout every aspect of their project lifecycle.
When Brent isn’t searching for the best possible solutions for M Bar C customers, you can find him taking on one of his latest home renovation projects with his wife Laura, coaching his sons’ flag football teams, and cheering on his daughter in her latest theater production.