When carport structures meet solar, the benefits are endless.
As an industry leader in carport design and installation, M Bar C Construction has been creating effective carport structure solutions for over 44 years. We are proud to have been installing carports since 1975, and as innovation and opportunity presented itself, utilizing solar within our structures became second nature. In 1997 we leaned into the obvious opportunities and benefits that solar carports hold and began implementing them into our already recognized carport and shade structure designs.
So how does solar work anyways?
When sunshine makes contact with a solar panel (module), largely made up of multiple photovoltaic (PV) cells, it produces direct current (DC) electricity. Using a solar inverter, the DC electricity is then converted into usable alternating current (AC) electricity. This electricity can then flow through your site, school and or company to power electric devices. When a solar system is properly installed on a property, it provides an owner with energy independence and huge fiscal savings for years to come. Solar provides a long-term solution to high-cost energy use while also creating responsible energy practices that positively benefit our environment.
We are proud to partner our awarded carport design and installation with esteemed solar firms across the nation in installing over 450 MW throughout our history. With carport projects spanning coast to coast, ranging from small to some of the largest in the United States, solar has proven an invaluable addition to any carport solution.
Are you curious about how to most effectively partner structures and solar? Contact us today, we can help.