AMC Marlton 8 Solar Carport Installation is Building a Better Future with Over 372kw of Solar Energy.
With the installation of solar carports, the New Jersey AMC Marlton 8 parking lot now represents over 372 kW of solar energy. Completed in the Summer of 2021, this solar carport installation consists of 1008 Heliene 370W solar panels over two T-structure carport systems.
At M Bar C Construction, we’ve learned the importance of effective collaboration. The collective purpose for projects such as the AMC Marlton 8 requires multifaceted support from a group of project partners. With over four decades of carport installation experience, M Bar C Construction is proud to have provided the carport installation for this project. New Jersey solar service experts Summit Solar spearheaded this project by providing project development support and panel installation. Commercial solar financing experts OnSwitch financed the overall project.
The AMC Marlton 8 solar carport installation represents several tangible examples of a successful partnership. The solar carport installation will provide renewable energy for the property, reducing its demand for greenhouse gas emissions, thus reducing property energy costs, and investing in long-term environmental health. The leadership of project partners OnSwitch and Summit Solar prove the powerful impact that positive industry collaboration has on overall project efficiency and success, ultimately benefiting all parties involved.
In addition to the solar carports, the AMC Marlton Theater has also installed a rooftop solar system. When partnering, the total energy output from the solar carports and rooftop systems, the AMC Marlton 8 solar installation is estimated to meet over 95% of the electricity needs of the theater, while providing shade and protection from various weather elements for theater visitors and their vehicles.